Thursday, April 11, 2019

Week After Break

Coming back from Spring Break, our team needed to hit the ground running. While I have been frantically trying to get trained on the WaterJet Cutter. I have finished making the OMAX files and have even transported the material. Yet the day that I was to have my material cut by the central shop, the WaterJet cutter broke. Specifically the high pressure line that delivers water to the nozzle disconnected and was spraying waters all over the shop. This not only prevents us from cutting, but this prevents our team from making any significant progress on manufacturing. After the WaterJet broke, our group had to give a presentation on the progress our group has made. Since this presentation and the setback I have been looking at getting the piece manufactured in a separate shop, though the downside to this is that we may have to pay for this service.

To add to this, the route selection still needs to be finalized as the steel tube is extremely thick and the wall needs to be reduced to 2 mm thick. This posses a problem because the tube is going to be very difficult to cut. Though once this piece is cut, it should be easy enough to weld in place.

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