Since the clock is now ticking and with every passing week Maker Faire gets a closer, allocation of funding for fabrication becomes an issue. While there is a pool of money all the teams can draw from, the issue becomes allocating portions of the budget to certain teams. Though to our benefit, because we are reusing a track from a previous year, this should reduce the cost of track and thus allowing for other teams a larger portion of the budget. As for the bogie team, our designs depended on the track teams new designs and to our delight, they have informed us that there will only be slight modifications to the original track design and that our original model should still be sufficient.
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Progress after Winter Break
During our second official week at the new facilities, the full-scale bogie team has finally started cracking down on creating a prototype for Maker Faire. Since all the teams have had to move, the track has been disassembled and left in the Engineering Courtyard. This only makes creating a prototype more difficult as the new facilities currently do not have ample room for a full sized, full-scale model. Another issue we have run into is that the track team is having to reuse a previous years track and having to alter it so that the designs other teams have made will be able to work on the modified track.
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